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Žan Černe
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Website Update: Footer

I’ve redesigned my footer the way I always wanted. I’m delighted with the result - simple, elegant, and beautiful. I’ve also made some other website improvements and I’m genuinely enjoying working on this project. I have more ideas for future enhancements as well.

I wanted to design something simple and elegant, and was indeed inspired by the following websites:

- Diagram

- Jan-Lucas Else blog

- Seán Halpin

And others.

Here’s a list of some things I’ve addressed with this update:

As mentioned, more is on the horizon. I definitely want to simplify the home page as well as improve the navigation bar - I already have some great ideas brewing. The blog page will undergo a revamp in the future as well. I understand that everything is perfectly functional as is, but I enjoy improving my website. I aim to streamline some design elements.

Once the 100 Days of Blogging is concluded, I will adhere to a weekly posting schedule - which will enable me to generate quality content that is truly useful and beneficial.

More is coming, and I couldn’t be more excited.

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