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Žan Černe
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Technology ·

Should you go Plus with ChatGPT?

This is my response to a post ’ChatGPT Plus?’ by Jan-Lukas Else.

I think that ChatGPT and similar technologies, even after all its hype, are quite beneficial. I’m a fan of everything that can slightly improve my life in any way, but especially when I can see benefits in almost all areas, I decided to deploy this technology. It’s almost like not being a fan of the internet, although we could have a longer discussion on this topic.

Whenever I talk about ChatGPT or similar technologies with someone, I find a lot of people unimpressed. ‘It’s just fancy statistics,’ they say, and sure that’s partially true, but that doesn’t mean the use case of such technology can’t be beneficial to humans.

LLMs are the first big ‘internet’ related breakthrough we’ve got after the social media boom, and it’s actually trying to improve our lives.

I think that GPT-4 is a bit better than GPT-3.5, but with the introduction of custom instructions (which I just got access to), both systems can produce better outputs more tailored to our needs and expectations. I haven’t used too many extensions, and I don’t think they provide as much value as I first thought, at least not right now. From time to time, I use the browser extension, but most of the time it’s just faster to search for something on my own.

I have paid for ChatGPT Plus for 3 months since I’ve first started using it in early 2023. I’ve clearly found enough value to pay the price multiple times, and I’m considering purchasing the subscription in the future. I’m not completely sure if €24 is something I’m willing to pay every month, but for now, I will switch on and off as I see fit.

Same as Jan, I try to optimize my expenses every month, so €24 is a steep price to pay without thinking about it, but if it’s something you can afford I would give it a go.

I’m going to write another post where I write down some of my ChatGPT use cases. I believe sharing such tips can help other ChatGPT users use it better or find another way to utilize the tool.

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