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Žan Černe
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Wellbeing & Growth ·

My 7 Day Running Challenge

I’m going to try a 7 day running challenge. The idea is to run every single day for seven days - quite straightforward, right? I want to try this not because I won’t be able to do it, but it’s just something to spice things up. The second reason why I am doing this challenge is to have something to write about daily. So if you aren’t loving my running journey coverage, it’s your loss.

This is also part of my preparation plan for the two 10km races I’m doing at the end of August and October.

I’m not a professional runner nor a good one, however, I’ve enjoyed this journey and preparations so far.

Today, as part of the first day of the challenge, I ran a standard slow-paced 5km. Due to my afternoon activities, I went running at not the best time; however, I did use a lot of sunscreen. It was quite hot, but I’m glad I did it.

Tomorrow is another challenging day since I’m going on a short trip; however, I will find the time for the daily run.

And for those of you worrying about me not having any rest days - worry not. Most of my runs are low intensity, and I’m in good physical shape to handle this challenge without any issues.

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