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Žan Černe
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Wellbeing & Growth ·

Exploring Health

I’ve been on my health journey for the past four years, and throughout that time, I’ve tried numerous programs and routines, learning valuable lessons along the way. Recently, I started reading Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity (GoodReads) by Peter Attia MD, which has inspired me to share my current routines, as well as the various health experiments I plan to undertake.

I fully understand that health is an incredibly personal aspect of our lives, and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. However, the idea of sharing my findings and potentially helping someone start or enhance their fitness journey is both exciting and rewarding.

In the past, I’ve struggled with deciding what aspects of my life to share on this blog. Given my passion for health and fitness, I believe sharing my experiences and insights in this area is the perfect fit (no pun intended). My goal is to provide valuable content that benefits my readers, even if it only provides value to a select few.

In the upcoming posts, I plan to write about the following topics:

I hope that my experiences and insights will inspire you to continue or begin your own health journey.

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