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Žan Černe
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Technology ·

Governments Have a Monopoly on Capitalism

Today, I was browsing the Unsorted category in my notes app and stumbled upon an intriguing note dated 9th of September, 2022. I have no clue about its origin or source, but it presents a thought-provoking idea that I want to share.

Most governments around the world wouldn’t survive without taxing a significant portion of the economy; hence, capitalism is the only means of GDP growth that enables governments to thrive.

Upon further reflection, I don’t believe this statement holds true in every scenario. An authoritarian government that takes control over the means of production can also thrive, though it may come at the expense of its citizens.

In fact, the current stage of capitalism we find ourselves in seems to contradict this assertion. One could argue that some large corporations, equipped with staggering lobbying budgets, can occasionally wield more power than the government itself.

Nonetheless, I believe that I wouldn’t have been able to write this note and send it over the internet if not for the government’s investments in internet infrastructure or capitalism’s efficiency in resource allocation.

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