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Žan Černe
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Creativity ·

Why I Stopped Blogging and How I Am Starting Again

Just before I stopped blogging on my personal blog, I completed a 43-day blogging challenge. In hindsight, it was too much, and the content, although very personal and authentic, wasn’t something I wanted to make public, so I stopped.

Another reason why I’ve stopped blogging was that I didn’t feel okay, without any particular reason. After speaking to a few people, I noticed that I had too many active projects and things going on, so I decided to cut a few and narrow my focus. This partially improved the situation, but I would like to write more about my current project structure in the future.

I believe I’m a creative person, as most humans are, and throughout my life, I’ve always found a creative endeavor to satisfy my creative itch. Before starting this personal blog, I ran another blog about design and tech for years and had a blast until I didn’t. Somehow my interest list grew, and my very niche blog couldn’t keep up with my growing list of new interests and ideas, so I decided to stop and try something new.

Almost a year ago, I decided to give blogging another try, but this time with a personal blog where I could publish whatever I found interesting. However, my daily approach was a bit too much for me.

I enjoy reading and writing shorter posts, but I still want to provide some kind of insight, tip, suggestion, or learning. I don’t care about a huge audience, but I would like my readers to be excited about whenever I post a new blog post because they/you find some value in it, whether it’s entertaining or educational.

My new goal is to publish something on a weekly basis. This means that throughout the week, I can work on my post to make it somewhat valuable. However, I can still decide to write something observational about a tech event or an interesting website I’ve found as a part of that weekly schedule.

I know there are already enough hot takes on the internet, but I find that when someone writes about current affairs in a personal style and with opinions (even those I don’t completely agree with), I enjoy it more than the usual polished news article. That’s probably also the reason why I find the comments on the articles so much more entertaining and valuable than the actual content.

A good example of this is Daring Fireball, which is probably one of the most famous tech/Apple-focused blogs on the internet. Some of his takes are short, some long, some about Apple, and some about general news stories, probably whatever John Gruber, the author behind the blog, finds interesting. That’s why I enjoy his and so many other blogs so much.

I’m not saying that we don’t need regular news articles, but I strongly believe in the value each individual blog provides. That’s probably one of the reasons why Twitter, which I stopped using around a year ago due to ownership changes, was so interesting in the past - it allowed everyone to have their own micro-blogging platform. The same reason also applies to why more people should have their own blogs, no matter the audience or reach they have.

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