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Žan Černe
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Bitesize ·

I enjoy building small projects, ranging from web apps to simple websites like this one. Recently, I’ve also started learning a bit of iOS development and I’m almost finished with a starter course. Overall, I’m quite excited, but this past week was so hectic that I could barely find the time for some coding.

I want to continue building small projects. However, I’ve learned that whether you’re a small startup, a big corporation, or an individual maker (like myself), you should aim to create something people want (that might even include yourself). I understand how general and simple this idea sounds, but so often, I see proposed products that just no one will ever use. It could be that I’m just a bit more cynical.

A week ago, I read a post titled ”What should you build? Or how not to come up with your startup idea” and it really got me thinking about the what’s and why’s of my projects. Definitely, it’s something I want to keep in mind for my future endeavors.

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