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Žan Černe
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“100 Days of Blogging” badge has been added. Check out the main blog page to see it. It’s not perfect, but it’s okay for now. In this stage of my website it’s better to publish something, even if it’s slightly off, rather than allow my perfectionism to prevent me from ever publishing it. I will clean up the code a bit in the upcoming days.

Tomorrow, I also plan to add pagination, as previously mentioned. I aim to keep it simple and clean. I recently implemented pagination on another project I’ve been working on and I think I will adopt a similar design approach. I just need to find some design solutions for mobile compatibility.

Another thing I’ve noticed since starting this challenge is when I’m finished writing my daily post, I get an idea for a new one. The idea for a new one tends to be more topic-specific, and not just ramblings and blog updates which is great since I don’t know how many people enjoy reading this daily ramblings.

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